Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My latest bulletin board

So this is my latest bulletin board. We were learning about how to save our planet in Social Studies and we just had our musical themed on saving the world, so this was a great idea.They had to come up with 3 different ways to save earth. I found this idea on the internet for earth day and I decided to try it out with my kiddos.

Going back to prehistoric time...

3 weeks ago we were reading the story " Meet the Super Croc" and my team and I decided to do an excite to write day with our students. We put down the blinds to make the class dark, put on dinosaur sounds, and projected pictures of dinosaurs on the board. The students then were asked to close their eyes and pretend they went back to when dinosaurs roamed the earth. We started with a brainstorm, where the kids wrote down whatever came to their minds while hearing the sounds and looking at the pictures. Later they put their brainstorm together by forming a draft. Last they got started on their neat copy. The kids really enjoyed this activity and they were all very engaged throughout the lesson.

Learning about what causes day and night/ Science

We used the globe I had in my classroom with the IPhone flashlight for the kids to understand the idea of day and night. We had 2 volunteers to demonstrate. Well done!