Thursday, March 28, 2013

Learning about plants...

When teaching the life cycle of plants, there aren't as many activities that are available to do. Again, I went through my favorite blogs and found a lot of nice ideas that I did with my students in class. It was a great way to support their learnng because they had fun.

Here is also another activity we've done while we were learning about plants. Their called "Sprout houses". I gave each student a ziplock bag with wet cotton and a about 2 kidney beans. We later taped them to the window and watched them grow. Students then started to observe and record their observations in their notebooks about the whole experience. They were so excited to watch it sprout!


Objectives board

I usually struggle writing my objectives for every class I have everyday. So I thought of this idea so that I can write them all once in the morning and forget about writing them before every class throughout the day. I also printed these colorful subject signs to encourage me to write them everyday.

Introduction to basic multiplication

Towards the end of the year in grade 2, we begin to teach multiplication to our students. I did a lot of research through my favorite blogs until I found this creative activity. The kids picked whatever they wanted from their homes and brought it to school to use for their activity. It was a success!

Math board games

Last year I grouped my students up, and they had to make their own math board game. They made it from scratch and even made up all the rules on the back. They were very creative!

Marshmallow Math (place value)

I took this idea from a teaching blog. It's brilliant! The kids really enjoyed learning place value with this activity.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Contractions (Grammar)

Whenever I teach contractions I always make sure I do this activity with my kids. It's fun and it's an easy way for them to remember contractions. We call them "Contraction Buddies".  


I couldn't have thought of a better way to teach adjectives. WIZARD OF OZ! I showed my kids the Wizard of Oz. Of course when the wicked witch of the west appeared, I thought that would be a great idea to use for adjectives. So I drew witch shoes and legs as a template for the kids to label and describe the witch. They enjoyed it very much, despite the fear they had when they first saw the witch in the movie. Another activity for adjectives through the Wizard of Oz could be describing any of the characters in the movie.

Busy Bunny...

This is a great way to motivate young students to write. I got this idea from one of my co-workers at school. When she first introduced the idea to me, I was amazed. She did Busy Bear, and so I decided to do Busy Bunny. The bunny is a stuffed animal that I've bought from Ikea. Every Thursday I choose a student to take home Busy Bunny and write about what adventures they have had all weekend. The bunny is then brought back with the student on Sunday and we read about the adventures together in class. I send home the bunny with a journal in a fabric sack. Each student writes about a page in the journal every week. At the end of the year all the students will have written in the journal and its a nice keepsake.What a great way to encourage your students to do some writing over the weekend!

Door Displays

Here are some door display that I've made throughout the years.

Science group activity (Different Environments)

A great way to get students to work in groups and learn about different environments.

Sunday, March 10, 2013